Wanting to Move to St. James?
Please send an email to hello@annunciationoca.org or give Fr. Joel a call to arrange a time to visit.
If your family is considering a move and would like to visit first, we would love to meet you and can most likely host you for a weekend. We also have a realtor in the parish who can help you begin looking for a new home near the church.
Visit the Church
Driving Directions
Our address is:
14020 Private Drive 2083
St. James, MO 65559
Door-to-door directions from Google Maps:
If you prefer good old-fashioned step-by-step directions, here they are from I-44.
- Take exit 189 for Rolla (Hwy V, Hypoint Ind. Park)
- At the stop light, turn north onto Hwy V.
- Go 2.5 miles, then turn left at CR 2080
- Go about 1/4 mile and you will see the sign for Annunciation
- Turn right onto PVT 2083. The Church is the first drive on the right.
Once You’re Here
Visitors Welcome!
Here are a few tips to help make your first visit with us a good one:
- We don’t have a proper parking lot yet, so please just park wherever you can find a spot.
- Be sure to sign our guestbook in the entryway with your contact information.
- Please take anything of interest in our literature rack – we have many free brochures and booklets. We also have a small book store with many books on the spiritual life available.
- If it’s your first time to an Orthodox service, the service books offered are often more of a hindrance than a help so we recommend just observing for your first visit.
- Please know that Holy Communion is for baptized Orthodox Christians who have made preparations through prayer, fasting, and recent confession.
- Be our guest during Social Hour after the Divine Liturgy on Sundays (and go first in line)!
We love having new people come and look forward to meeting you. May the Lord bless you and your visit!
Our Next Several Services:
What to Expect
Orthodox worship to the newcomer can be quite the surprise, as it is much different than worship in any other kind of church.
- We sing / chant nearly all of our services (mostly in English).
- We stand for most all of the service, but there are benches around the wall for guests, the handicapped, the pregnant, and the elderly.
- We use incense!
If you are planning to attend an Orthodox service for the first time, we recommend coming to a Vespers service (Saturday night and usually a weekday night, but check the calendar). Vespers lasts about 35-45 minutes, it is quieter, there is time to talk afterward, and is overall a gentler introduction to Orthodox worship than the Divine Liturgy or Matins. For more of what to expect, and frequently asked questions:
Church Etiquette
When coming to an Orthodox Church, we are entering into a holy space, the Kingdom of God. Throughout history, God has revealed the appropriate ways to worship Him and how to behave when in His presence. This behavior is meant to move beyond the walls of the Church, it is meant to infiltrate our very being and the life that we live. Proper behavior in God’s presence is meant to make us holy too.
Here are a few basic guidelines:
- Dress modestly and cleanly
- Turn off mobile phones before coming in
- No food or drink in the church
- Arrive 10-15 minutes early if possible
For more guidelines on appropriate behavior in Church (and how it helps us become holy):