Annunciation Fall Spiritual Retreat
For several years at Annunciation we have held a free fall retreat where we invite guest speakers to come and give a talk on a particular spiritual topic. This year, we will have Fr. David Morrison coming on October 19 to give a retreat entitled:
“Encouraging the Community in Christ”
Friday, Oct. 18
5:30 pm: Vespers
6:30 pm: Hayride & Campfire with S’mores & Meet ‘n Greet
Saturday, Oct. 19
10:00 am: Divine Liturgy
11:30 am: Lunch (Provided)
12:30 pm: First Talk with Q&A
1:30 pm: Break (Enjoy Fall Festivities!)
2:30 pm: Second Talk with Q&A
3:30 pm: Break (More Fall Festivities!)
5:30 pm: Great Vespers