We are growing so quickly that our plans can't keep up. Click to learn more about the beautiful new land we purchased, the new building we are constructing, and how we are having to expand our temple plans for the third time now.
We are a Christian mission (church plant) in Saint James, Missouri and are part of the canonical Orthodox Church in America.
Our purpose is to become, to make, and to grow disciples of Jesus Christ by announcing His love for you, and by inviting you into communion with Him through repentance. This can be experienced in worship and the context of community so, in addition to the Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings, we hold multiple divine services each week and offer Christian education classes for adults and children.
What is the Orthodox Church?
“The Orthodox Christian Church is evangelical, but not Protestant.
It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman.
It is not denominational, it is pre-denominational.
It has believed, taught, preserved, defended, and died for the
Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost nearly 2,000 years ago.”
– Our Life in Christ

“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28)
Orthodox Christian Worship
The services of the Church are foundational to our life as Christians. Being the Body of Christ, we work to find every opportunity to connect our daily lives to Him.
You are invited to attend any of our divine services. While our services are in English, if your ears are open you may also hear Russian, Greek, Arabic, Spanish, Romanian, Japanese, Mandarin, Georgian, Swahili, or any other number of languages used in Orthodox communities around the world.
If your heart is open, you will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit Who has orchestrated and been present in nearly 2,000 years of these services, teaching us how to worship God and enter more deeply into the relationship of salvation He has wrought for us. Welcome!
Our Hierarchs & Clergy
Our Life in Christ
Complimentary to the services of the Church, our life in Christ consists of time with Him in personal prayer and silence.
To help our distracted minds focus on this task, Christians have always used “arrow prayers” (such as The Jesus Prayer) and read the scriptures, (particularly the four Gospel books) as often as possible.
In the Church we also remember various saints on each day of the year. By reading their lives and words we can find encouragement and inspiration to follow their example, living our life in Christ in the face of adversity.
A Prayer Rule »
The Jesus Prayer »
A Prayer for Missions »
Preparation for Communion »
Scriptures of the day »
Saints of the day »
Join Us
At the end of every Divine Liturgy, we joyfully sing:
“We have seen the True Light! We have received the Heavenly Spirit! We have found the True Faith! Worshiping the Undivided Trinity, Who has saved us.”
This is our belief, that the Orthodox Church is and was established nearly 2,000 years ago to be the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
“Come and see.” Experience the love of God the Father, the revelation of Truth in Jesus Christ, and the gentle repentant inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
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